

What is Reiki?

Are you looking for a natural, simple, safe, effective healing system? Reiki uses spiritually guided universal energy, which permeates the entire universe and all living things. This energy is channeled through the hands of the practitioner into the body and aura of the receiver. It is an ancient healing system that has been used for thousands of years and was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is a Japanese term meaning universal energy because it is the divine consciousness, the all-knowing that guides this life force. Because of this, Reiki also can be sent to someone who is not physically present. This is called distance healing. It also can be used on animals and plants. During a Reiki session, the person receiving Reiki lies or sits, fully clothed, while the practitioner places his hands lightly on or a few inches over the person’s head and body. Reiki opens the mind and spirit to the causes of disease and pain and the necessity for taking responsibility for one’s life. Reiki heals on all levels — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual — to help return the body to its natural perfect state. It increases spiritual awareness and progress and is a means for each person to access the richness of his soul and discover his own great potential. Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs.

Intensive Healing Sequences

Do you want to dive deeply within and connect with your innate wisdom and your profound power to self-heal?

If you are willing to commit to a sequence of in-person or Zoom sessions on successive days (usually 4-10 days), and simplify your life to the degree that is possible, you can create a profound, yet gentle shift toward great health and well-being.

During your sequence, you receive daily Reiki treatment and coaching. You spend time each day as you can in contemplative, expressive practices such as journaling, free-writing or art. Each sequence is specific to the individual client at that particular time.

It’s helpful to lighten your schedule as you are able to during this time, making space for more down time and alone time, but it is completely up to you. Please email me at for an application of sequence healings.

11 Benefits of Reiki

1. Promotes Harmony & Balance

Reiki helps to promote harmony and balance. It is an effective, non invasive energy healing modality that enhances the body’s natural healing ability whilst energizing and promoting overall wellness. Reiki works directly on restoring balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.

When we chat about balance, we mean mental and emotional balance, left and right brain, masculine and feminine, labelling things as good or bad, positive or negative etc.

2. Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension

What many people enjoy about a reiki treatment is it allows them time to themselves where they aren’t ‘doing’ but just ‘being’. Clients have reported feeling more clear, peaceful, relaxed and lighter in themselves.

Reiki provides a space where you can be more aware of what is going on inside your body and mind. To learn to listen to your own body and make wise decisions regarding your well being from this place. Being more present means you are in your body, which helps you to access even more that inner knowing and wisdom that we all have!

3. Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit

Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress. This mental balance also enhances learning, memory and mental clarity.

Reiki can heal mental/emotional wounds and can help alleviate mood swings, fear, frustration and even anger. Reiki can also strengthen and heal personal relationships.

Because Reiki enhances your capability to love, it can open you up to the people around you and help your relationships grow.

4. Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system

We spend so much time in stress-reactive fight/flight phase that it becomes our ‘norm’ and our bodies literally forget how to return to balance.

Reiki reminds our bodies how to shift into parasympathetic nervous system (rest / digest) self-healing mode.

Rest/digest doesn’t mean you have to stop being active and productive or ‘do nothing’. It allows you to sleep better and digest better which is important to maintaining health and vitality. The more you are in this space, the more you can be active and productive without being stressed, exhausted or burnout.

5. Clears the mind and improves focus as you feel grounded & centered

Reiki can support you in staying centered in the present moment rather than getting caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future. It can strengthen your ability to accept and work with the way events are unfolding even when they don’t follow your desires or timetable. You begin to react to situations, people and yourself in a supportive way rather than acting our of habit.

6. Aids better sleep

The number one outcome of receiving a Reiki session is relaxation. When we’re relaxed, we sleep better, our bodies heal better, we think more clearly, and we relate to each other more genuinely. Often clients will experience deep relaxation during their Reiki session and sometimes a deep sleep during the session as well.

7. Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability as you start to return to your natural state

Reiki healing quickly returns you to your natural state, or at least gets your body moving in the right direction.

That means your breathing, heart rate and blood pressure improve. Breathing deeper and easier is one of the first things to happen during a self-practice or treatment received from someone else. When we breath better, our minds naturally settle. Science supports that.

As your respiration deepens your body moves into parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) dominance i.e. the rest/digest phase. Your body was made to function primarily in the rest/digest phase rather than the more commonly experienced fight/flight phase.

8. Helps relieve pain and supports the physical body healing

On the outside looking in, a Reiki treatment might appear to be merely a sequence of hand placements, it works to restore balance on the deepest possible level. It encourages your system to improve your body’s vital functions (breathing, digesting and sleeping) so your physical systems function optimally.

On the physical level, Reiki helps to relieve pain from migraine, arthritis, sciatica ~ just to name a few. It also helps with symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and insomnia.

9. Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

You do not need to be into spirituality to enjoy the benefits of reiki. Yet, for many they receive reiki treatments to support themselves through their self healing journey i.e. spiritual growth / personal development.

Reiki addresses the whole person, rather than targeting individual symptoms. It  can create profound, often subtle shifts from deep within your own being. What does that look like? Guidance about what to do around difficult situations can come more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective and are able to deal with it in a more positive way. Or it might direct you to the right kind of action needed which is guided from within.

10. Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

Reiki is a wonderful compliment to conventional medicine and helps relax patients on the levels of the mind and physical body. When a patient is relaxed the healing process is accelerated. People sleep much better and are calmer following Reiki treatments.

The beauty of Reiki is that it is non invasive and is administered in a very gentle manner. The Reiki practitioner can give Reiki without touching the body in cases where patients have burns or major injuries.

Reiki is safe to use if you have medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes or heart conditions. You may receive Reiki treatments if you are undergoing chemotherapy. Pregnant woman can have Reiki treatments to support them through all stages of the pregnancy. Reiki is for everyone!

11. You can learn Reiki yourself

Many clients will learn reiki for themselves by attending my Reiki Level 1 course so they can boost their own energy levels on a daily basis. Some are drawn to reiki to support their physical healing, some want to delve deeper into their personal development and most have experienced the benefits of reiki and wish to be able to support themselves that way regularly.

reiki hands on head 2022

What Can I Expect At during a reiki treatment?

A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair.

Most commonly, Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive touch with the practitioner’s hands placed and held on a series of locations on the head and front and back of the torso. The placement of the hands should never be intrusive or inappropriate, nor should there be any pressure.

Additional placements on the limbs can be done as needed (for example, if there is an injury or surgical scar), and some practitioners routinely do so. The Reiki practitioner can hold her hands just off the body if needed (for example, in the presence of an open wound or burn,)  During a session you will feel very deeply relaxed and calm. Most clients admit they felt like they were floating out of their body. People often experience heat in the practitioner’s hands, but also sometimes the practitioner’s hands feel refreshingly cool. Other common experiences are pulsations, pulling or energy movement that is noticable to the client, even a tummy rumble could occur.

Our emphasis will be on:

  • what you want to do,
  • what you can do, and
  • what you choose to do.

 You become more aware of moments in which you could choose to be healthier and happier, not give you a list of “shoulds” to haunt you.

You will leave feeling better, and feeling empowered to address whatever challenges you’re facing. 

It is recommended to start with 5 sessions to overcome a challenge.

Essential Oils and Reiki

Essential oils and aromatherapy are an enhancement to any Reiki treatment. From lavender to frankincense, allow the fragrance to transport you back to ancient times. Please let your practitioner know if you are sensitive or allergic to any smells, perfumes, or smudging utensils such as sage or palo santo.

Practice Reiki Everyday

Practicing Reiki on myself every day not only helps to heal and give myself energy, but it also distinguishes me from other practitioners that I take Reiki seriously. It brings a sense of peace and community that unites me and others who practice Reiki daily. It has made a difference in my life by doing it every day, how I feel about myself and my professional practice, and a sense of the quality of love in my life. I know how it has profoundly helped and changed my life, and I want others to know what a daily Reiki practice can do for you.